Blog: Dog

Urinalysis and Fecal Exam

Urinalysis Testing: We routinely collect urine samples to assist in the diagnosis of infections, stones, and internal organ disease in our canine patients. Urine samples will often be collected in conjunction with blood samples in order to gain more complete information about your dog's overall health.

Dog Heartworm Test

Heartworm Test

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal parasite also known as Dirofilaria immitis. If left untreated, heartworms may cause severe lung disease, heart failure and internal organ damage. Dogs of all ages are susceptible to heartworm disease. Once infected with heartworm, dogs may suffer from life-long internal organ damage....

Dogs Fleas and Ticks

Flea and Tick Treatment

We love our pets, but we don’t love the little critters that might be sharing them. Not only are they unappealing but they can also cause serious health problems for our pets. This is why it is so important to keep our pets free from parasites. Ticks are becoming more...

Skin Care

Did you know that skin is the largest organ of the body? Healthy skin is the body’s first line of defence against infection. Your dog’s skin may exhibit signs and symptoms that indicate an underlying issue or an allergic reaction. Skin care is an essential part of your dog’s healthcare...