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Facts and Myths: Raw Food Diets for Pets
The Facts and Myths Behind Raw Food Diets for Pets

Facts and Myths: Raw Food Diets for Pets

We all have the best intentions in our desire to feed our pets a good quality diet. However, it can be very confusing when trying to make the right choice.

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Chocolate Toxicity in Pets
Chocolate Toxicity in Pets

Chocolate Toxicity in Pets

We wanted to send you a friendly reminder to enjoy your chocolates but keep them safely stored away from your pets. 

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Can Grain-Free Diets Cause Heart Disease
Can Grain-Free Diets Cause Heart Disease in Dogs?

Can Grain-Free Diets Cause Heart Disease

In 2018, it was becoming apparent that veterinary cardiologists were seeing an increase in the incidence of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). 

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Medicinal Cannabis and Pet Safety
Medicinal Cannabis and Pet Safety

Medicinal Cannabis and Pet Safety

The plant is also known as hemp.  Although, this term is often used to refer only to the plants cultivated for non-drug use. 

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Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Pets
Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Dogs and Cats

Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Pets

The CCL (also known as the Anterior Cruciate Ligament or ACL in humans) is a ligament found inside the knee joint. 

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Pet Are Living Longer Healthier Lives
Pet Are Living Longer Healthier Lives

Pet Are Living Longer Healthier Lives

With advances in veterinary medicine, pets are living longer, healthier lives. However, as our pets age, their exercise and nutritional requirements change. 

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Your Pet Gazette – Spring Issue
Your Pet Gazette – Spring Issue

Your Pet Gazette – Spring Issue

Many of you have expressed concern for pets overdue for their annual check-ups and vaccinations. We are really looking forward to seeing all our furry patients again soon!

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Give the Dog a Bone: Fact or Fiction?
Give the Dog a Bone: Fact or Fiction?

Give the Dog a Bone: Fact or Fiction?

Every year, we treat a number of dogs for intestinal problems and dental injuries caused by bones and other items that are much too hard for them to chew.

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Your Pet Gazette - Vet Visits this Fall
Your Pet Gazette – What will a visit to the vet look like this fall/winter?

Your Pet Gazette - Vet Visits this Fall

It’s been a challenging year for many of you and we want to reassure you that the availability of veterinary care for your pets is not something you need to worry about. 

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Preparing for a Puppy
Preparing for a Puppy

Preparing for a Puppy

It is often very exciting, but how can you make sure you are as prepared as possible to keep your new puppy safe? Here are some great tips for “puppy proofing” your home.

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Crossing the U.S. Border with Your Pet?
Planning to Cross the U.S. Border with Your Pet?

Crossing the U.S. Border with Your Pet?

Travelling across the border into the United States with your healthy dog and/or cat can be a smooth and stress-free experience if you are prepared beforehand.

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Fear Free
Fear Free

Fear Free

Over the past several years, we have been implementing changes in our hospital to help address our patients’ experience. 

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